
A good way for your music to NEVER be heard (but also never bootlegged)

So some scholar of the highest order of nerd-dom thought of a genius way of distributing and selling music without all the hassles of worrying about how many people would bootleg it or even buy it. Seriously, unless you have an old NES gaming system you will not be able to listen to this. Well, maybe you could visualize what it sounds like but somehow a grey case with a sticker on it does not scream 'awesome synesthetic experience' to me. I guess i'm not a total nerd yet. I am enough of a nerd to know that NES rom's have a very limited capacity and probably cannot even handle music that's actually worth listening to. So, thanks ( whoever made this ) for making crap music that nobody can listen to. There is a download option for people that don't just happen to have an NES.

I did hear this shit is all the rage in Azerbejan.

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