*no cars were damaged and theRecordPlayer.net does not support vandalizing cars
Bikers Revenge
This clever little intention is by two devilishly brilliant students at University of the Arts here in Philadelphia. Keying up your enemy's car just got way more fun. This may also prevent asshole drivers to think twice before cutting you off or driving too close when they have plenty of room! They explain it better in 'designy©' talk (remember, I copyrighted that term!)Only $5 + shipping for a pair of these! I'm buying some!!
"These modified handlebar plugs speak to the disgruntled urban cyclist. By retro-fitting stock parts with up-cycled keys, bikers can now find satisfaction with close encounters. This concept puts an new twist on the timeless tradition of car-keying revenge." by Matt Braun and Jared Delorenzo

Grow up. Do you really think that advocating criminal damage to cars will do anything to help the cause of real cyclists?
No, it won't.
Maybe your sister's jeans are a little too tight for you?
I believe the inventors of this little abomination are perhaps too young to remember the word "escalation" and how much "good" it did us during the VietNam war. Not to mention the fact that bar end plugs are for your own safety - and that of your fellow cyclists. Dump this - NOW!!!!!!!!!
This will do nothing to stop drivers from acting aggressively towards cyclists. It may even encourage bad behaviour.
Doing massive amounts of damage to cars is not a clever idea when cars are much, much stronger than both bikes and humans.
At least fitting these will allow drivers to hunt down the cyclists responsible easily.
whatever..it's a funny concept and highly doubtful that anybody would actually use them. although, anybody that's spent a fair amount of time riding in tough city traffic often wants to retaliate after nearly getting hit.
shit!! these aren't my sister's jeans...i grabbed your girlfriend's instead of mine! oops! thanks for checking me out though..i'm flattered!
little homos...im pretty sure i could beat the bejesus out of these "devilsh students of u arts". Actually im pretty sure i could beat the bejesus out of every student at u arts at the same time. why dont you go waste your parents money at a REAL school like everyone else.
Are car drivers allowed to vandanlise your stuff every time you drive through red lights?
I dread to think how easily these will cut pedestrians open should you ride to close to them, jeezus
Great idea for the streets of Philly. Perfect for cabs and Range Rovers, not great for pedestrians or your 19th century walls.
interesting concept, I kinda like it, the idea that it's playful or serious. not sure what 1st post dude was on about his sisters jeans what a nob head.
I'm with the first guy. You want to retaliate for nearly being hit, pull up to the motorist, tap on the window and let them know that they are endangering your life. If they are threatening assholes about it, hit them in the mouth with your lock if you really need to retaliate.
Keying the side of someone's car just makes you look like someone's jealous and psychotic ex-girlfriend.
MFH, did you happen to notice that the rider in the pix is wearing baggy jeans and riding a geared bike?
Just checking.
This little gizmo will get a biker beaten to death.Vandalizing someones car is the lowest pussiest thing you can do.Great for guys who probably suck each other off in a shower after a long sweaty bike ride..if you are going to ride realize you don't own the road as much as the autos...they are bigger faster and a whole lot heavier..
I also think that these are fun, but a bit impractical. However, I have always wanted to put spikes on my wheels--Ben Hur style--to do battle with slow moving pedestrians.
im liking them!
but it wouldnt be criminal damage if the car drove into the cyclist causing the damage - which sounds like the idea to me, Just like it wasnt criminal damage the time my footpeg ripped a hole in a guys door, he should have looked where he was goin
It's hardly "advocating criminal damage" any more than wearing a spiky bracelet is reckless endangerment. In both cases, anyone it harms was too goddamn close to begin with. The length of a key is hardly enough distance to keep their mirror from breaking your wrist.
Way to defend the driving majority, though. I'm sure they needed it.
Funny shit! What would be even funnier is what would happen if someone actually decided to connect their handlebars to the side of a car.
The drag alone would plow them right into the side of the car!
A better solution would be retractable remote controlled "keys" in your cycling shoes. Push a button on your brakes or something..
extend foot... scrape car with bike clear from disaster, retract, and ride with a devilish grin on your face!
That's awesome. If I was trendy enough to run flat bars I'd totally make some of those.
Way to screen out the comments you can't attack.
I really think you all are taking this waaaay too serious but it is comforting to know that people do have some spare time to make comments (or do it on company time). It's highly unlikely that the makers of these actually used them or ever would. Doubtful if anyone would use them actually for all of the reasons some of you mentioned which is why I jokingly wrote about them. This discussion raises some questions for me:
I'm not sure what is meant by 'real' cyclists. Also, I'm not sure what is meant by a 'real college' and there are probably people there fully capable of beating the shit out of someone if needed just as there are at any school in America. From what I hear, art school graduates often make more than average and often they pay for college themselves (without "wasting their parents' money")...good point though. I'm not really sure how Vietnam war protesting closely relates to this topic.?
Another point is that people that want to vandalize are already doing it and probably have much better methods...these little objects are not at all promoting or helping anything that would not happen otherwise. Yes, keying a car is something ex-girlfriends do...good point.
The idea of some metal spikes coming out of the side of a bike probably would make drivers more aware of bikers that used them and less likely to drive within 2 inches of bikers altogether. Perhaps a bigger question to ask is why bikers, drivers and pedestrians in America do not live in a peaceful and respectful coexistence like in other countries around the world. Maybe if everyone that drove also spent some time riding a bike things would be much different?.
By the way 'Andrew'...I am not screening out comments and really don't care about 'attacking' any of them. My blogger account is set so I am a moderator but I just select all and publish. I did accidentally delete one by an anonymous author...sorry to whomever wrote it. It's interesting to see what people have to say and if they take the time to write something to be shown publicly, I want it to be seen and shared no matter what I think but if it's over the line, if there is a line, I may decide not to publish that post. Most of the comments are on other sites and available for anyone to view...just click on the links to this post.
I'm glad I posted this though and do think the success of this 'design' is the reaction it's created. Very few objects can evoke emotions and responses like that. Kudos to the 'designers' for having the humor, or balls, to put this out there. Maybe the sole intent was to get people talking and raising awareness?
Lighten up people...you only live once (until you get run over by a crazy driver!) I can't believe I just typed all that...but my exercise is done for the week! (I'm trying to slim down for spring ya know...)
From a design standpoint, I don't think it's good mechanical design.
Consider, morals aside: If you are exerting enough force to give a good scratch to a door , your going to be torquing your handlebars TOWARDS the vehicle as you move forward.
I'd bet good money ($50) that actually using this will cause a cyclist to veer into the car and/or faceplant (as they pass a car) or veer away from a car and into parked cars/sidewalk/etc (as they are passed).
In fact, if you want to be sucker to try this, I have $25 just for trying, $50 on the line. I'm willing to pay good money to see if these are a danger to the cyclist.
oh ffs, what a miserable bunch.
people without a sense of humour shouldn't be allowed near the Internet......
Buncha wussies worried about how a motorist will react to feux keys on bar ends. If they keep their distance they've got nothing to worry about. Someone could just as well use Moto-X bar ends designed to endure collisions with rocks. Should a cage monkey take offense, merely push your bike through the windscreen.
"Perhaps a bigger question to ask is why bikers, drivers and pedestrians in America do not live in a peaceful and respectful coexistence like in other countries around the world."
That is statement is ludicrous. Spare the world from your self-righteous contempt for everything that is outside your mode of living for the schnooks in the coffee shop where people might pretend to listen to this pedantic drivel.
Excellent work gentlemen, its crazy how a funny little design can cause such a wonderful discussion...
Wussies? Didn't you notice - they are the keys to your girlfriends house!!
"pedanic drivel" ???
what the hell is that?! sounds like some secret coffee shop lingo...or maybe just some all-black wearing emo poet talk. definitely one of the two. maybe both?!
oh...wait..no, there's a third option...it's something from that stupid video game, W.O.W.?
Considering it was stated that the students are from UArts, this was probably just an project they did for a class and never intended it to become something that would sell like hotcakes.
And I would waste the government's money at a 'real' school if I wanted to work in a cubicle for the rest of my life. UArts represent!
cyclists dont seem to realize how hard they are to see.
its the nature of the beast, when in a car at car speeds its not all that compatible with having bicyclists on the road
if a car comes as close as a car key distance to my cycle, am I then really the one who causes damage?
wow. the only thing worse than these are the record players comments back.
there has been no one devilish or genius through Uarts, ever. the schools a joke. its a small hipstar factory catering to farmers from ohio.
though it doesnt suprise me as when "cycling" got big in philly the past two years or so, the uarts kids have basically RUINED all the rides in town.
good going guys. good going.
hmmm...you make it seem like you're some tough guy yet, you keep leaving 'anonymous' comments. the internet is great for people like you since you can act tough but don't have to admit to it. hey, if it makes you feel better though and feeds your ego, go for it. you have no idea what or who you're talking about. why do you care so much anyway to keep wasting time and keep leaving comments??
i'd agree that most kids at UArts are a bunch of hipster douchebags but I know for a fact that there are some dudes that will lay the smack down if they need to. what's your problem with that school anyway? it's the same as anywhere else..mostly a bunch of rich kids pretending to be poor and don't know shit about real life..just like every other college in the city. and just like every other place in the world there are people that struggle really hard. let me guess, you're a 'wise' early/mid-twenties guy from the northeast and has barely left Philly his whole life and thinks he's the man.? get a life dude.
i don't have time or patience to respond to anymore of your stupid comments.
Use them strategically. Drivers that ignore cyclists deserve all their car gets. Make sure you have a clear getaway though. See men and their cars, it's pathetic the way the car is like a penis extension and a symbol of men's machismo. As for the guy further up suggesting all cyclists suck each other off in the shower...come out the closet, batty bay, it's ok to be gay.
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