
The RZA conquers all

Over the years The RZA has always impressed me. I may not always like his music but can't deny how prolific he's been and how he's been able to transcend beyond hip-hop. I'll never forget meeting him like 11 years ago. I've met a lot of people in the music world, specifically the hip-hop world, and he really stood out. He talked to everybody he could, was friendly, warm and lacked any ego that you would expect. (at the time Wu-Tang was on top of the world) He just really seems connected to people and is very open-minded, positive and empathetic to the world but at the same time has been very business savvy. Now, what seems to be no surprise, he's gotten into 19th century style painting. It seems kind of humorous at first but then when you realize that he's reinterpreting classic paintings with white guys and placing himself and other Wu-Tang members in the pieces, the message becomes more profound. This project is a joint venture with W.A.I.L. I'd definitely buy one of these if I had the loot.

Oh, and The RZA is getting into making movies now too!

You can register to purchase one of the prints at When Art Imitates Life

1 comment:

Chris said...

This is awesome, wish I had enough cash to get one. There's another article about 'Victory Or Death' here http://bit.ly/8qKeun

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