
The truth behind Facebook

I'm still amazed when people act, or genuinely are, surprised that Facebook was/is set up to learn information to be used for marketing and advertising. DUH!!! What better way to track trends in the market place and learn opinions without even having to take surveys. Unless you're doing something really shady you don't have any real reasons to worry. If you were, you'd know better than to really discuss anything on Facebook. I highly doubt anybody plotting to attack some major target is using Facebook to communicate about plans. And, let's face it, if a service you like to use anyway can let you know about some product or service that you would want and use it's not a bad thing. Think about if you were just starting a business in America right now....wouldn't you want to reach potential customers via Facebook or Myspace?

OK. Now that's we have that out of the way watch this video below or click > HERE <

If you're a 'real' conspiracy theorist you'll probably think that even this video was released by Facebook. Afterall, even bad publicity is good for exposure and recognition! Chances are if you're one of these people you don't even use Facebook (or think that you're safe because you use an alias from a computer in a public library with no cameras. YOU'RE BEING WATCHED RIGHT NOW!!!

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