
Happy Record Store Day!!

Today is the third annual Record Store Day.Unfortunately I can't partake in the festivities today but everyone else should. I kinda have a store in my house so I think I'll just go shopping at home tonight. In all seriousness though, if you love music or claim to be a DJ but don't have any records you need to go out there and support vinyl. It doesn't really matter if it's new or used. Just get out there and buy some goddamn records!

Read more about the holiday at their website

Get your hands dirty..put on a mask and rubber gloves..talk to crazy old dudes who know more about music than you ever will..spend your rent money..justify how you don't need to eat much for 2 weeks but you "NEED this record"..don't care about the environment and all the paper and PVC used to make records because "it's worth it"..inhale decades old dust from old basements..hear stories about the DJs in your town that created the music scene there..negotiate prices over some tiny mark on the cover..get excited about how you're gonna play that old song in your new sets..clean off some mold to unearth a rare gem..argue about 'proper ways' of cleaning records (NO alcohol & water solution...NO paper towels!)..be humbled by the amount of great music that was made and you didn't know about..realize that you haven't dug through as many boxes of wax as you think you have (pshaw...amateurs! haha)..hear stories about high profile collectors like ?uestlove, J-Dilla, Kenny Dope and that dude from PM Dawn!! hahaha..and the infamous dealers that supply them..use the 45 adapter that you keep in your wallet..get annoyed by those people that want to listen to a whole song on the listening station (c'mon dude! you can't tell if you like it in less than 15 seconds!!??)..keep an eye on what the person digging next to you is missing then get 'em..act naive and put on your poker face when you find that $30 record for .50 cents (or that $100 record for only $3)..realize that you actually won't sell it for $100 anyway..be late to work or any other important appointment because you're in the middle of going through all the records in a store..laugh when you hear some kid as "do you have records with samples on them?" (they ALL have samplse you idiot! be creative.)..pretend you don't really know much about disco and are just starting out, then help the store price everything before selling it to you..claim that your addiction to vinyl is under control when secretly it isn't.

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