
Eye candy...(not porn you perverts!)

Here's some new content I've recently discovered...some is brand new and some isn't. Sorry about the misleading title for this post. I wasn't using the term 'eye candy' in the proper context :[ However, I WILL be starting a new section simply titled 'girls' which WILL be all eye candy :]

This video by the Magic Wands is ridiculous and honestly it's pretty lame/gay to me. I don't fully understand the whole style of rainbow colors, glitter and lasers mixed with sub-saharan wildlife. Sometimes it IS pulled off really well but sadly this isn't one of those cases. The reason I posted this video is actually not for the video at all. The music touched my soft spot for obscure '80s disco. This song is brand new but really has that sound of some super rare underground disco joint from like '83. (their song 'Black Magic' is also worth listening to)

Next up is the video for Someone Great by the almighty LCD Soundsystem. The video is simple and effective and really works with the song (which happens to be one of the best songs of 2007). Unfortunately EMI UK won't allow people to help out the band and post the video on other sites so just right click on the image and you'll go to the YouTube page for the video.

I thought I posted this next video by Robot High School a while back when I first saw it but apparently I didn't. I think the music for this is WACK! The video seemingly has nothing to do with the music but is still nice to look at. The director used a stop-action technique and emphasized the focal points in the shots to trick us into thinking we're looking at toys when in-fact everything is real.

Fuck it...I'll post 2 videos from this group I really don't care for because they have good taste in visuals..Here they use another super simple yet effective method to creative something visually interesting. If you didn't figure out how they did it by the first 30 seconds, they reveal it to you in the last part of the video. To their credit, this song isn't too bad.

I just saw this video earlier today and it kinda blew me away. It's both simple and intriguing using no special effects and the low-budgetness clearly seen....I mean c'mon, you couldn't spring for some more more exotic wild life! hahaha..Mallards are beautiful though and it's a cleaver usage of quail and standard field mice and mirrors. All the perfect elements for a live-action fractal art show. The Kraftwerk-esque music enhances the visuals to a point where we anticipate more and want to peer deeper into the complexity of the visuals to find more patterns and meaning.

AHHHH...this next one is straight up drugs! Watch all 3 parts!! Especially part 3..if you have a really fast internet connection view it on YouTube as higher quality.

I totally forgot to include this in the post originally. This video is weird and looks painful but is highly entertaining. Turn the volume down if you need to..I did!

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