
Wow! A cardboard box...seriously, amazing.

Ikea pack furniture in it. Gehry has made furniture from it. Now architects are shaping spaces with it. Is there any limit to the creative re-use of corrugated cardboard? With its unique physical consistency, its decidedly axial strength, and its deadening acoustic absorption, corrugated cardboard has many inherent qualities. As such it was the perfect material for this particular sound installation:

Made from 720 half square sheets of 7mm thick corrugated cardboard, stacked in 360 layers, this cavernous sound space is set within a 2.5m cube. As a space for listening to and experiencing music, the initial concept for the design developed from the architect’s ambition to create a strong spatial intensity and a distinct internal atmosphere. With an irregular free-form interior set within a regular cubic volume, the object has a profound duality. Made from one material it also has an implied solidity that strengthens the architect’s distinction between inside and out – a distinction that is heightened when the full acoustic ambience is experienced from within.

Cutting the cardboard took three working days, and assembly just one. The structure sits under its own dead weight, without any fixings or glue. And, for those of a technical persuasion, a simple calculation reveals that the combined compression of the 360 layers of cardboard is 20mm over the 2.5m height, or an average of 500ths of a millimetre per sheet. All services are integrated within the stack, including cable runs and apertures for the six-speaker surround sound system.

*I wish I knew the names of the designers to give them credit for their work. This site on which I saw this rarely gives credit to the artists/designers. I asked why and they told me they do not make an effort to give credit to the artists because: " We're a trends agency - we don't give all our content away for free and we only put a limited of posts up - Most cases we do -but on larger posts we keep these for our paying customers

We'll soon be launching a section for those who want more high end content which you'll have to pay to access it


Well Bill, this is a 'lifestyle' site too so I guess I don't have to them credit either.?

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