
Architecture Graffiti

I love seeing people really elevating the art form of graffiti. This is from Libson, Portugal. I have no idea whose work this is. Please let me know if you do so I can give proper credit.

You can see more images of this wall > HERE <

This Is It

Not much to say here..just watch. If you haven't already, go back and read my big MJ post from August > HERE <


Story of Cap and Trade

If you haven't already watched it a couple of times, watch The Story Of Stuff before watching this. (or at least after watching this) I'm not taking a side on this issue yet because I don't know enough yet but this is a good introduction. All you designers out there, and just socially responsible citizens, need to get educated on these issues so you really know what 'sustainability' really means and what the issues really are that affect our everyday lives and our futures.

To watch the movie, just click on the image above or click > HERE <



This video is INCREDIBLE!!!! Light art stop motion animation by Dee Pee Studios. Just WOW!!

Oh baby!

An amazing glipse inside (literally) the life cycle of other mammals.
More pictures can be found > HERE <


More flat speakers?!?!

Just a couple of months ago I posted THESE amazing flat speakers coming out of Taiwan. And now I see these that were actually published even earlier. I think the ones from Taiwan will actually sound better though but still these are amazing!
A groundbreaking new loudspeaker, less than 0.25mm thick, has been developed by University of Warwick engineers, it's flat, flexible, could be hung on a wall like a picture, and its particular method of sound generation could make public announcements in places like passenger terminals clearer, crisper, and easier to hear.

Lightweight and inexpensive to manufacture, the speakers are slim and flexible: they could be concealed inside ceiling tiles or car interiors, or printed with a design and hung on the wall like a picture.

Read the full article > HERE <


Mos Def - Super Magic

Another video off the Ecstatic album...a.k.a. one of the top 5 albums of the year. If you don't got it, GO GET IT! The video kinda gives me seizures but maybe that's the effect he was going for? And some newness produced by Ski. Be sure to find that 24hr Karate School track too! Mos is killing shit right now..oh yeah, the BlacRoc album is out which he's one as as well! Make sure to watch that other video I posted of Mos Def in Nippon too!

MOS DEF "Supermagic" from nabil elderkin on Vimeo.


Catch the beat

I love these synchronized metronome videos!

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