Weird video of the week
It's been a while since I've posted one of these but this has got to be one of the weirdest music videos made in a while. The techniques are cool and the song's pretty good but what the hell is going on in some of these scenes!!??? Hilarious..weird..intriguing..bizarre..
Birds, in concert
This is the first time I've really seen this phenomenon on video. Too bad it's such low quality but still beautiful to watch. There's a photographer, I think Italian, who does some great black & white photos of this sort of thing too. Sorry, couldn't find the name in the few minutes I had to post this...was in Seed Magazine about 6 issues ago.
Sound Sculpture
This is a nice little piece by Daniel Franke called "One Minute Sound Sculpture". The idea of a sculpture made from sound is really intriguing to me and something I hope to explore in the near future. This guy's take on it is pretty cool and he's really good at tracking an animation and placing it in a live environment.
Analog blogging
I'm not sure why VBS titled their report this way. Maybe they didn't realize 'blog' is short for 'web log' and that the web is not analog. Never the less, this is a good little piece and speaks to the importance of information. If you didn't already know, VBS is Vice magazine's online video service and has some really great content such as a crazy report on North Korea, buying bootleg guns in Pakistan, buying a warhead on the black market and interviews with people like Kanye West and Sasha Grey.
Vincent Ganivet sculptures
French artist Vincent Ganivet makes beautiful and sculptures using mostly common building materials. The appear simple until you actually realize the work involved in making a free standing arcs and circles from cinder blocks. Have you ever thought about making a big trail using cinder blocks instead of dominoes? Yeah, we all have. But he actually does it! His non-building material pieces are also interesting and worth taking a look at.
Watch the video >> HERE <<
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